Sunday, June 29, 2014


We met when I was four and she was two.  I used to call her Harmonica, because I didn't get 'Monica'.  I knew what harmonica was, though.  We used to play in the woods and make up stories, draw stories, tell stories.  We lived in imaginary worlds that to this day seem more real to me than the world we actually lived in.

Then we discovered music.  Both taking up the guitar in '78, we became the 'Nurk Twins' like John and Paul- the 'Grofe Ensemble', 'Webbed Head' and wrote songs like "Idiosyncratic Men" and "the Harried Reporter".  Eventually we paired up with a couple of other adorable chicks and formed a band called 'Damsel' that only played obscure Beatles songs. In our bare feet.  I was the oldest and I was barely sixteen. Yes, it was cute.

Eventually growing up took place and she moved out to Maine, and then Jersey, we both had kids of our own and busy lives.  Even so, we can still pick up the phone or Skype and pick up exactly at the same place we last left off no matter how much time has transpired.  And that's what besties do, after all.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to help you fix your website. Looks like a standard injection hijack-no charge of course!. Lots of other words. :-) Keep up the good work!
